Silicone Slickness for Sex, Style, and Sport
überlube: slick, sexy silicone lubricant is a high performance product recommended by top physicians, athletes and hairstylists. (We don't know of any other lube that can claim that.) Überlube feels amazingly silky and performs as long as you're using it. When überlube stops being manipulated, it starts to dissipate, leaving skin soft and moisturized, never wet or sticky.
High performance, long lasting, with a fantastic finish that is super hot in the bedroom is also used in high-end salons as a brilliant smoothing, finishing, and anti-frizz hair product. As if all of this weren't enough, athletes use überlube for running, biking, and swimming to eliminate chaffing. Instead of just being slippery, überlube is designed to transfer sensation while reducing friction. Not just a lube, überlube loves your whole body. Indeed.
Note: the fantastic design of the pump bottle. There is no reason to hide überlube in a drawer.
Available in:
• 2.5ml foil pillow packs
• refillable case + 15ml insert (in silver, black or white)
• cartridge refills (2)
• 50ml bottle
• 100ml bottle

"Sure, it feels like liquid silk, but surely it will be runny," I thought. But it was not.
"If it isn't oozing everywhere and making a giant mess, it must be drying out and will soon be sticky," I decided. But I was wrong.
It glides on smoothly, stays where you need it, does its job and then cleans up easily. The smell and taste aren't even objectionable, in my opinion. If you're the sort of person who will drink straight vodka, you'll have no trouble with this flavor at all. If you aren't the sort of person who will drink straight vodka, you and I aren't destined to become friends, so move right along and stop perving on my lube review. I'm only writing this to get an exciting free condom, so don't get any ideas! But the freebie doesn't influence my star rating at all. I started out with a pillow pack, and I've already bought the largest bottle of uberlube I can find. Can't wait to horrify my mother by using it as a hair product in a public bathroom. I live for life's simple pleasures.
Very sexy, comfortable, soft and velvety.
But it didn't last as long as we thought it would.
But still, i would buy it if they didn't have our fav available.