Keeping Sexy Citizens Protected & Armed for Pleasure with Redhead Bedhead
We certainly understand that this land is full of opportunity.
And we don't want anything to get in the way of your next adventure.
So we've partnered with Safe Sex Hero, Joellen Notte (aka The Redhead Bedhead)
to make certain that your next one-night (two-or-three night) stand -- begins strong
and ends with ultimate satisfaction.
While you may not always know what you'll encounter in the bedroom, a
sexy superhero is prepared for anything.
With condoms of various sizes, non-latex options, three kinds of lubricant, a flavored
sex dam, nitrile gloves and even a freshening wipe & mini toothbrush --
The Sexy Superhero Survival Kit contains everything you'll need to rock some hot
safer sex -- no matter what you may come up against.
From latex allergies to lube preferences to morning breath you’ll be ready to face
it with the Sexy Superhero Hook-Up Survival Kit!
Kit includes:
CONDOMS: GLYDE Slimfit, GLYDE Vanilla, Skyn, Skyn Large, FC2 (Female) Internal Condom
LUBE PACKETS: Sliquid Organics Gel, Please Cream, überlube
INTIMATE WIPE: Swipes, Unscented
How could it possibly get better?!
A portion of this purchase supports: Fistula Foundation
Meet JoEllen Notte
The Redhead Bedhead came to life when JoEllen decided she wanted to talk about sex on the internet ("Do people even do that?!") She has gone on to write for multiple outlets (including her own award-winning blog), attend conferences, teach workshops and tour North America's best sex shops. A writer, educator and adult-retail consultant The Redhead Bedhead is on a mission to save the world from mediocre sex.
Check her out at or on Twitter and Facebook.

Not only are we here to help, we've done the work for you with our ULTIMATE CONDOM & LUBE SAMPLERS!
Our samplers are a fantastic assortment of the very best condoms and lube from around the world.
They feature the condoms that rated very best with our 1,100+ reviewers from 21 countries!
Once you try a sampler, let us know what you think.
And, be sure to check back for future updates.
Your Friends at Lucky Bloke HQ