
Size Matters: for Pleasure & Safety!

Posted on October 23, 2012 by LUCKY BLOKE

It truly is all about the size of the package ... but, not in the way that you might think.
It is time to take a stand regarding condom size.

A new study, published in the Journal of Sexual Health, provides an eye-opening global overview regarding condom use. The good news? Condom use is on the rise. The bad news? Many condom users unwittingly make serious mistakes when it comes to using and choosing the best condoms. And the majority of these failures are due to men wearing the wrong size condom!

Wait?  There are different condom sizes?  Absolutely.

If you are surprised to learn this, you are not alone.

Very few condom users are educated about the three different sizes of condoms available, as approved by the FDA:

Smaller, slimfit or snugger fit condoms - a more tailored condom required by 30-35% of men;

Medium, "regular", or "average" condoms - the standard condom, you'll find at most stores and required by 50% of men; and,

Large, Larger, or XL condoms - a larger fit in both length and girth, and required by only 15-20% of men.

This critical information is rarely a component of Sex Ed. Of course, in high school we're told that we must wear condoms when having sex, and we might even have witnessed a demonstration on a well-endowed banana. However, the dialogue stops there.

There are no conversations about what a condom should feel like when it is on, or important instruction that a new condom must be used for every sex act. (Yes, this means one for foreplay, one for intercourse, and another if the guy has ejaculated, but you are continuing to be intimate.) And these are the issues that circle back to prevalent errors in condom usage as called out in the Kinsey study.

When a standard condom is too small for a man at best he feels discomfort and loses his erection, at worst, the condom breaks. (He needs a larger or XL condom.)

When a standard condom is too large for a man at best it slips and slides, at worst leaking occurs or it comes off entirely. (He  requires a smaller, slimfit, or snugger fit condom.)

Whether too big or too small, the man is focused on his discomfort. Both pleasure and safety are severely compromised.

Most condoms you can buy at your local store, of the free condoms distributed through public health, make it appear that one-size-fits-all. This couldn't be further from the truth!

Condom manufacturers need to take responsibility too. Trojan has created explosively popular branding with the Magnum franchise. Yet, only 15-20% of the men on the planet could even safely wear Magnum condoms. Trojan has set an alarming precedent. They do not even offer one smaller-sized condom option. Boutique brands have followed suit ignoring 30-35% of the population entirely.

Yes, up to 35% of men (and their partners) could be having safer and more pleasurable sex – armed with the best smaller condoms.

Conventional retail stores don't seem to understand the importance of size and fit. Their condom and personal lubricant selections are often limited and the differences between brands is obscure. If you want to buy the best condoms online, generally, it is no better. Many condom e-tailers force visitors to sort through hundreds of condom styles. Generally, these websites lack clear and concise size and quality guidance, and often offer inaccurate, misleading, or confusing information.

However, LuckyBloke.com offers a radically new approach to online condom buying.

And, it is integrated into a simple, refreshingly intuitive shopping experience. First, visitors are supported to discover their perfect condom size. Next, product messaging is clear, concise, and accurate. Since Lucky Bloke customers select size and fit first, the essential foundation for safety and pleasure is covered from the get-go.

Lucky Bloke customers can easily find and buy condoms and personal lubricants that meet their specific needs — all from the comfort and privacy of their home, dorm, or office.

If you would like more personalized support, Lucky Bloke has your back (or, your front!)

Lucky Bloke offers a free (no purchase required) Condom Concierge Service via email getlucky@luckybloke.com!

Our Condom Concierge Service offers very specific consumer support in relative anonymity. Our Condom Concierges are trained to offer comprehensive support regarding proper condom sizing, as well as sharing comparative information regarding product specifications and attributes.


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