
Am I Too Old To Use Condoms?!

Posted on June 12, 2013 by LUCKY BLOKE

At Lucky Bloke our mission is to lead you to the land of amazing sex with condoms. With a selection of the world’s best condoms and lube at our fingertips, we’re here to prove that the right condom can actually improve your sex life. Got a question for the Lucky Bloke experts?! Let us answer it so you can concentrate on having the hottest sex possible!

Dear Lucky Bloke,

I just turned 56 this month and after getting divorced a few years ago, have finally decided it is time to get back into the dating scene...and hopefully having sex - eeek! I was married to the same person for over 25 years, so when it comes to condoms I feel completely out of the loop. I’m pretty sure that the last time I purchased a package of condoms, George Bush, Sr. was still in office. Plus, at my age, I can't get pregnant. Do I even need to worry about condoms?! Lucky Bloke, I want to know - what’s the deal with condoms? Should I be using them? If yes, what are my best options?


Ready to Mingle.

Dear Ready to Mingle,

Thanks so much for taking time to reach out to us. As condom experts, you've come to the right place – and we’re very happy to help!

To answer your question, if you’re having sex at any age, you should definitely use condoms! Even though safe sex for older adults doesn’t get as much attention in the media, the risks are just as real – actually, more so, as many couples who aren't concerned with pregancy are at higher risk for STDs.

According to recent research released by the Center for Disease Control, an estimated 16% of new U.S. HIV/AIDS cases are among those age 50 and older, and 25% of people living with HIV/AIDS are over 50. Not to mention, as an older adult you’re also still vulnerable to other STI’s like Herpes, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and Syphilis to name a few.

With that said, you should always keep condoms on hand if you’re thinking of having sex. Shopping for condoms can be a confusing experience (even if you buy them regularly)! However, when it comes to pleasure and comfort, the great news is that condoms have come a long way from the ones you remember. Also, what most people don’t realize is that condoms are not “one-size-fits-all.” Condoms actually come in three different sizes: small, medium and large. 

To get you started on your new journey of amazing, safe sex, we would suggest checking out our Ultimate “Not Sure What Size” Condom sampler which feature a selection of some of the very best condoms available globally. This is the perfect starting point if you’re not sure what size condom you or your partner needs, or you just want to experiment with some of the most pleasurable condoms on the market. For added pleasure, we would also suggest checking out our Ultimate Lube Sampler. Like condoms, you’ll be very pleased to discover lube has come a long way since in the past 25 years! No matter your age, extra wetness increased pleasure and safety when it comes to condoms.

Lastly, the most important thing to consider is communication. Talking about sex and condoms before you get into the bedroom is crucial. Although having these conversation might be anxiety inducing at first, just keep in mind that unlike the “youngins” out there, as an older adult you’re armed with years of strength, wisdom and finely honed communication skills under your belt (no pun intended) In other words, you’ll be fine!

Your friends in pleasure and safety,

Lucky Bloke

PS If you would appreciate some personalized attention, our free Condom Concierge service is available via email.

Contact us at getlucky@luckybloke.com, and our Condom Experts will assist you in identifying the condoms and lube that are right for you. (No purchase necessary!)

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