
How to Choose the Best Condoms for You and Your Partner | Do We Need Small Condoms? Do We Need Large Condoms?

Posted on January 14, 2014 by LUCKY BLOKE

This article, written by Melissa White (our CEO), was first published on the Huffington Post.
You can find it here:  How to Choose the Best Condoms for You and Your Partner



I'm sure I don't have to tell you that when you don't like condoms, you probably don't use them as consistently as you should. No, not at all.

Nowadays, condoms come in a mind-boggling variety. That may sound daunting, but finding that perfect one for you is worth it since it truly enhances your sex game. This is a new concept to most folks, who may have only tried the generic "one-size-fits-all" condoms offered in standard retail.

You might not know about some of the more recent advances in condom technology. These days, if you aren't making the connection between condoms and pleasure, you are likely simply wearing the wrong one.

Out-dated and erroneous beliefs such as "condoms are one-size-fits-all" and "all condoms are created equal" have gone unchallenged for far too long. It's time to bust those widespread condom myths once and for all.

Few people are taught that condom quality and condom fit are as essential to condoms as they are to any other intimate apparel.

What Condom Size Do You Need? 

So it comes as no surprise that many couples through repeated, uncomfortable experiences have come to view condoms as, at best, a necessary evil. This, in turn, leads many to select simply the cheapest condoms available.

Why not just pick up a free handful at the local club or bar or buy those on clearance -- they're all the same, right? Wrong. So very wrong!

By using a well-fitting premium quality condom instead, you are making a surprisingly affordable and highly valuable investment toward greatly increasing your potential safer sex pleasure -- not to mention your safety.

Once you wrap your mind around this and experience the difference, you'll be opening up a whole new world of opportunities for highly pleasurable safer sex.

Internationally, the condom world is continually innovating. Nonetheless, you're not likely to have heard of some of the best condoms currently on the market.

You can now explore the very thinnest condoms available from Japan; a tasty line of vegan flavored condoms from Australia; condoms that vary from glow-in- the-dark to ribbed and studded from North America; as well as, the very best from all over Europe.

An exciting non-latex condom (stronger and more sensitive than any latex predecessor) has hit the market and is poised to set the bar for pleasure most thought impossible when wearing a condom.

And of course, there are also condoms that enhance pleasure and performance through the use of arousal or desensitizing lubricants.

How Do You Determine Your Partner's Condom Size?

Lucky Bloke carries a carefully curated selection of the very best condoms from around the world, offering the opportunity for condom users to experience and explore condoms they might otherwise never have easy access to, and allowing them to discover condoms that can take safer sex to a higher level.

Best of all, at Lucky Bloke, as well as theCondomReview.com, you can simply buy single condoms and try out a couple different varieties, without having to purchase entire boxes of unfamiliar new condoms.

Realizing that you never have to sacrifice pleasure for safety again will certainly improve your own sex life. And while that may be good enough for you, getting savvy about safer sex also has far-reaching global benefits.

As condom users discover they can have a dramatically improved safer sex, it leads to more consistent condom use. And when you think about the implications, it is clear that this kind of shift can have a huge positive impact on public health, easily saving thousands of lives.

The time for better, safer sex with condoms has arrived. If you don't love your condom, now's the time to stop settling for a mediocre, outdated experience. Empower yourself with this information and find a condom that you and your partner will truly enjoy.

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